Famed stationer Mrs. John L. Strong is ceasing operations and closing its store and catalog. For 80 years Mrs. John L. Strong was a high-end purveyor of paper and cards; debutantes and celebrities from Oprah to the Dutchess of York were known to use its stationery, which could cost more than $5 per card. Economic conditions and changing social norms forced the closure of the business, which was still family-owned.
mom-and-pop: May 2009 Archives
Timely Demise tracks the retail industry as it changes with our unprecedented economic environment. Published by David Wertheimer. Did I miss something? Drop me a line.
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This page is a archive of entries in the mom-and-pop category from May 2009.
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June 2009: Monthly Archives
- accessories (5)
- acquisition (14)
- airlines (3)
- announcements (9)
- apparel (58)
- arts (4)
- automotive (15)
- babies and children (1)
- banking (2)
- books (3)
- chapter 11 (89)
- chapter 7 (15)
- construction (3)
- consumer products (26)
- convenience stores (1)
- cosmetics and beauty (3)
- department stores (20)
- electronics (18)
- entertainment (11)
- expansion (9)
- fitness (2)
- food (17)
- furniture and home (35)
- general (12)
- international (3)
- jewelry (15)
- liquidation (12)
- liquor (1)
- manufacturing (11)
- mom-and-pop (14)
- pharmacy and drug (4)
- regional stores (32)
- restaurants (14)
- restructuring and resizing (15)
- rumors (3)
- services (4)
- sports (10)
- store closings (87)
- technology and infrastructure (2)
- toys and gifts (6)
- trends (26)
- updates (28)
- websites (4)